Jewelry Care Guide

How should I store my jewelry?
To protect the beauty of your jewelry, don't keep it in a tangle in a jewelry box. Remember, gems can scratch metal or each other. Store each piece separately or wrap each one in tissue paper or a soft cloth. When you travel, make sure your jewelry pieces don't rub against each other in your bag. -
When should I clean my jewelry?
To keep your gems sparkling, clean them when dust and fingerprints dim their brilliance. For everyday cleaning, we recommend mild dish soap and warm water, using a toothbrush to scrub behind the stone where dust can collect. For cleaning instructions for specific gemstones, visit our Gemstone Library. -
How should I clean my jewelry?
The best way to clean fine jewelry is in a bowl of warm water with a few drops of ordinary dish detergent. Using an old toothbrush or other soft brush, scrub gently behind the stone where dust and soap can collect. Then just rinse and pat dry with a soft cloth. For cleaning instructions for specific gemstones, visit our Gemstone Library.
Can I use an ultrasonic cleaner to clean my jewelry?
A home ultrasonic cleaner can be used to clean ruby, sapphire, diamond, amethyst, citrine, garnets, and unadorned gold and platinum jewelry but shouldn't be used to clean emerald, peridot, pearls or silver jewelry. When in doubt, don't use it. -
How should I care for my jewelry?
All of our jewelry is made with the absolute highest quality materials available, and each design is carefully tested to ensure stone security and durability while maintaining the delicate qualities associated with fine jewelry. With all the care that goes into customizing and crafting your piece, we want you to wear your Viducci piece proudly. We aim to keep your jewelry out of our repair shop with our excellent craftsmanship, but here are some helpful tips to ensure that your piece is properly cared for and maintains its beauty and charm for a long time to come.- Clean your piece regularly. You can do this at home with warm soapy water and a soft bristled brush. Cleaning behind the stones will keep them from becoming cloudy from a buildup of soaps or lotions. This will keep your stone sparkling, and will remove the risk of skin irritation this buildup can cause. Always make sure your jewelry is dry and clean by wiping with a cloth before putting it away.
- Remove your jewelry while washing up. Soap from your shower or from washing your hands can cause a film to form, making your stones appear cloudy and dull. By removing your jewelry beforehand, you'll spend much less time cleaning your piece and more time enjoying its sparkle! When taking off your rings, don't pull them off by the gemstone: this won't damage the gem but it can, over time, stretch the metal that holds it in place, making the setting less secure.
- Remove jewelry while working around the house. We recommend removing your fine jewelry during any activity that can be hard on your hands. This could include gardening, housework, dish washing, etc. Removing your jewelry while performing these tasks can prevent physical damage to your setting and stone, and exposure to harsh chemicals and cleaning fluids. Soft stones like Emerald and Fire Opal should be worn with extra care. Don't leave your jewelry on the rim of the sink where it can slip down the drain!
- Jewelry should be the last thing you put on in the morning, the first thing you take off at night. Cosmetics, hairspray, perfumes and lotions can contain chemicals that could damage your jewelry. Putting your jewelry on after hair and makeup in the morning is ideal, and removing it before your night-time regimen will limit exposure to potential damage. Wearing gemstone jewelry to bed can lead to bent prongs and out-of-round rings - meaning loose or lost stones.
- Remove your jewelry while swimming. Everybody knows that your fingers will swell on hot days, but did you know that cold water can shrink your fingers and make it super easy for your ring to slip right off? Don't let this happen to you! Always remove your jewelry before going for a swim. Swimming in chlorine pools can have a negative affect on jewelry, causing color changing and even structural damage, and swimming in the salty ocean can erode the polished finish of your new bling surprisingly quick. When you take your jewelry pieces off to apply sunscreen before a dip in the ocean, it's best to leave them off until you're back on dry land!
- Remove your jewelry while playing sports or working out. Hard blows while playing sports can damage jewelry, but jewelry can also cause physical harm to the people involved. Removing your jewelry on the sidelines will keep you and your treasured gems safe while you're in the game. We discourage lifting weights while wearing rings to reduce scratching and denting, along with the risk of stones chipping or falling out.